Category: General Flooring

Why You Should Coat Your Garage Floor

Garage floors tend to take a beating. There’s foot traffic, vehicle traffic, spills, leaks, dropped objects, and more. Rain, snow, and salt get brought in from the outside as temperature fluctuations cause the floor to expand and contract.  While concrete is tough and designed to take a beating, it will eventually crack, break, and stain. Keeping […]

Frequently Asked Questions about Concrete Resurfacing

Time erodes everything. Even concrete. In the past, you had two choices as your concrete began to crack and shift. You could try to repair it, or you could replace it altogether.  In recent years, concrete resurfacing has emerged as a popular alternative to these two options. Taking a best of both worlds approach, concrete resurfacing […]

How to Make Your Concrete Flooring Last Longer

Concrete is known for its lasting power. Go to an ancient city like Rome, and you’ll find concrete structures that have existed for millennia.   Of course, ancient buildings don’t take the same kind of beating as a concrete floor. The ground shifts, freezes, and expands, causing the concrete to constantly move and eventually crack. Then […]

Is it Time to Resurface my concrete?

Over time, concrete will crack. It’s a fact of life. Most concrete will even form some minor cracks early on. However, if the job was done right, these will go largely unnoticed.  Eventually, however, even the best laid concrete will form significant cracks as ground shifts and temperatures change. Concrete contracts and expands over and over, and begins to break down  As cracks appear and the […]

Advantages of Polished Concrete

Concrete polishing is a service that’s grown in popularity over the past few years for both commercial and residential properties. With concrete being a readily available flooring solution, polishing offers a simple and affordable option to properly finish it. But does concrete polishing just make it look shiny? Don’t let the name fool you. There are […]

Why You Shouldn’t Lay or Stain Your Own Concrete

Many of today’s homeowners have become increasingly independent. They want to take ownership of their homes, tackling duties once left strictly to professionals. Between YouTube videos, online guides, and endless renovation TV shows, there’s plenty of resources to guide amateur these apprising carpenters and artisans. But there are some things that are simply best left […]

Driveway Maintenance

With winter over and the snow melted away, it’s time to take care of the mess it’s made around your home. One place to start is with your driveway. Winter can be particularly rough on a driveway, and a driveway is not cheap to replace. The truth is, you should practice healthy driveway maintenance year-round. […]